Friday 27 September 2013

Life In Letters

I saw a YouTube video by Alex Day in which he described his life with words beginning with each letter of the alphabet. So that is what I shall attempt today.

A - Adam David Scott, that's my name so it seems like a good place to start.

B - Blogging, I do a lot of it, as you can probably tell.

C - Creativity, I constantly have new ideas that I'm working on.

D - Decisions, life is full of tough decisions and mine has many at the moment with university coming up soon.

E - Elliott, Stuart Elliott, my all time favourite footballer and Hull City legend.

F - Football, this may come as a shock to some of you, but I really, really like football.

G - Geek, which apparently is cool now.

H - Hull City, the finest team the world has ever seen.

I - Imagination, I'm always daydreaming and thinking of things.

J - Journeys, travelling is something that I want to do a lot of when I'm older.

K - Keyrings, I have a collection that is over 100 strong.

L - Lifescouts, I don't have a bucket list but if I did it would probably be these. Great fun to collect.

M - Music, there is a song for every occasion and music is great at cheering me up.

N - Nutrition, by which I mean food!

O - Organised, I'm a bit of a tidy freak.

P - Pens, pencils, paper, just stationery in general really, I can't get enough of it.

Q - Quirky, a generic q but I'm not quirky enough to think of anything else.

R - Running, I've been doing a lot of it lately.

S - Sports, a very big part of my life.

T - Tennis, another sport that I enjoy playing.

U - University, my life very soon.

V - Verbal, I talk a lot.

W - Worry, I worry about everything, no matter how small.

X - Xciteable, there aren't many words beginning with x so this'll do, I can get very excited about some things.

Y - YouTube, I love watching YouTube videos to pass the time.

Z - Ze end, that's all for this week.

I'll see you all next Friday,


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